As a musician, I read the New Times like a bible of the city and surrounding areas. I worked at many different clubs in and around Phoenix. I auditioned and was hired at Rawhide in late 1986. I worked in the saloon playing guitar and singing for 9 years, give or take, on Charlie’s days off. Charlie was a 25 year veteran of Rawhide, and a staple for returning visitors, singing and playing guitar in the saloon five nights a week. It was an honor to work there on his days off. I entertained on the hayrides, throughout the year, and in different areas around the Park – campfire dinners and such.
Here is a video of a performance in 2016 at Glencroft. It includes classic standards, folk, classic country, classic rock & roll and a variety of entertainment.
In 1987, I auditioned and was one of 12 candidates selected out of 7000 to appear on the the “YOU Can Be a Star” program in Nashville, Tennessee. It was sort of the first Star Search type venue and I was the only person in the history of the program to actually play my guitar on the show. They had 3 sideline guitarists playing as well – just in case I messed up or whatever they expected me to do, or not do! I sang an original song, “Winter Rose.” I did not win that competition, but it was a hell of a learning experience!
Check out some songs:
Homeward Bound
Winter Rose (Alesa Original: Upbeat tune; looking for love)
Danny Boy
Choo Choo Cha Boogie
Ain’t Misbehavin’
When I Get Where I’m Goin’ (Bill & Alesa singing together)
Best of all Possible Worlds (Bill and Alesa)
Bad Leroy Brown (Bill & Alesa)
Hold On (Alesa Original: attempt at a Christian song, with a strong beat)